FAmIlyof hope
On behalf of our Pastors, Elders, and our entire church family, welcome to the Hope Aglow Experience; where lives are being transformed by the Word of God, Love, and Prayer. Whether in person, by Livestream, or on Facebook Live, we are pleased you came to visit. Please, take a moment and explore our website.
We would be glad to answer any questions you may have.
In support of the CDC guidelines and state laws, at this time we are limiting the operations of our campuses to ensure the safety of our guests and members. Our short-term goal is to have everyone in attendance during worship service and to resume all church events.
Our weekly services are currently consolidated and we meet physically at the Woodbridge Campus located in Woodbridge, Virginia.
What You Need To Know Before Attending
Online services are available via our Facebook page
(Hope Aglow Empowerment Church)


We are so ready to welcome you and your family back to Hope Aglow Empowerment Church as we unite together online and in person, all together As One. Our team has thought through every detail to maintain a clean and safe environment at each of our locations, all the way from your car to your seat. So join us,
we missed you!
Weekly Events
Bible Study (In-Person) | 7:00 pm
Saturday Service | 5:45 pm (Prayer) | Worship at 6:00 pm
Sunday Service | 9:45 am (Prayer) | Worship at 10:00 am
Bible Study | 7:00 pm - In-Person & via Zoom every Wednesday
eGen | 6:00 pm - via Zoom 1st Thursday
eKidz | 10:00 am - via Zoom every Saturday
Kingdom Women | 11:00 am - via Zoom every 2nd Saturday