We are so ready to welcome you and your family back to Hope Aglow Empowerment Church as we unite together online and in person, all together As One. Our team has thought through every detail to maintain a clean and safe environment at each of our locations, all the way from your car to your seat. So join us,
we missed you!
Weekly Events
Bible Study (In-Person Bible Study) | 7:00 pm
Saturday Service | 5:45 pm (Prayer) | Worship at 6:00 pm
Sunday Service | 9:45 am (Prayer) | Worship at 10:00 am
Bible Study | 7:00 pm - In-Person & via Zoom every Wednesday
eGen | 6:00 pm - via Zoom every Thursday
eKidz | 10:00 am - via Zoom every Saturday
Kingdom Women | 11:00 am - via Zoom every 2nd Saturday
Our Campus Locations
+ Fredericksburg Campus
(Saturday Service Only)
125 Olde Greenwich Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(540) 899-2191
Connect With Us
+ Dumfries Campus
17286 Dumfries Road
Dumfries, VA 22026
(703) 490-HOPE (4673)
Connect With Us